How to choose a Foie Gras?

To choose a foie gras, you must first know how to compare them!


How to compare the composition of Foie Gras preparations?

Products whose only raw material is foie gras

  • whole foie gras: a preparation consisting of a whole foie gras or one or more lobes of foie gras and a seasoning
  • foie gras: a preparation composed of pieces of agglomerated lobes of foie gras and a seasoning
  • Block of foie gras: a preparation composed of reconstituted foie gras and a seasoning. When the block contains pieces of foie gras, these must represent at least 30% of the weight of the product. The “block with pieces” is the top of the range of the “foie gras block”.

Foie gras products and other raw materials

Since these preparations contain raw materials other than foie gras, the reference to “foie gras” is not permitted in the sales description. The reference to foie gras may nevertheless appear, indicating the percentage of foie gras used in the composition:

  • goose or duck liver parfait for preparations containing at least 75% foie gras
  • medallions, pâté, galantine or mousse of goose or duck liver for preparations containing at least 50% foie gras
  • a sales description supplemented by the words “with goose or duck liver” for preparations containing at least 20% foie gras. For example “goose liver pâté”.

What you need to know

The protected geographical indication (PGI) The “duck foie gras from the South-West” label guarantees the geographical origin of the foie gras at all stages of its production. This includes breeding, slaughter and processing.

Source: Ministry of the Economy

Find our delicious PGI whole foies gras on our Relais gourmet website!

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